Why choose a professional Green Screen?

a professiona nyc green screen studio stage

With all the new ways green screen and chroma key is made available these days, like makeshift green screen studios at home, and mobile green screens, it can lead one to think — Why should I choose a professional green screen production?

The simple answer is you get what you pay for. Quality is often dictated by the price put into the production. Movies like The Amazing Spider-Man looks exceptional because it is done in a green screen studio with superior lighting, a professional crew, and intricate post-production.

professional green screen production

Looking only at the green screen aspect, here are some reasons why you should consider a professional green screen.

  1. Fringing, bleeding, and unintended region affects by chromakey is avoided in professional green screen studios.

  2. Guaranteed quality green screen which means no wrinkles, rips, dark spots, etc.

  3. Easier to avoid over-lighting the green screen in a professional studio, especially since lighting equipment is included.

  4. Green screen should be lit with pure green light to improve saturation, not brightness.

  5. Professional green screen is the layout for quality footage which means the rendering will produce the best results.